#Week 19 / Project Development
Assignment and learning outcomes.
What is this week assignment?
The assignment for this week is to develop a plan for dissemination of your final project. It means that we need to be sure that our final project is fit with all requirements.After we must make a plan that how we gonna do our final project step by step. Also we must prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080), and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB), and put them in your root directory. Also, we must outline future possibilities and describe how to make them probabilities.
What I gonna do this week?
For this week I will make a good and effective strategy for my final project, to avoid problems in the coming weeks. For short I will make tasks for every day until it’s done.
Developing a plan
Wireless charging desk project consists of 3 main parts Electronics, Programming, and Solid. First step Electronics part, for this part I need to make the Master board which has Microcontroller for data collection, LCD, and Bluetooth module. For Master board making I will follow these steps

Next step for the electronic part is to make Wireless power transmitter (TX) board with his coil -in other words, slave board. To make slave board I need to follow these steps

After making and designing the Master and Slave boards next and final step is to make power supply for wireless charging desk, it must be optimized for power consumption of the desk. To make power supply I need to follow these steps
Next part of my projects is Solid part it consists of two main parts Body and Wiring. The body is 3D printed boxes for Master and Slave board, and desk frame(plywood and MDF material). And 3D printed boxes must snap together like a snap kit, and it will be the surface of the desk. For accomplishing this part I need to follow these steps

Next step is wiring. Wiring is consist of two main parts Power wires and data wires .For wireing I need
Final part of my projects is programming, first of I need to make communication between boards Master and Slave , I decided to use I2C serial bus as communication protocol (and also I will use I2C serial bus for communication with LCD(or OLED)display), plus with HC-05 Bluetooth module using RX TX ports. Also, I need to read ACD for current measuring sensor and temperature sensor.

what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
I have make Electronics and Solid parts, but programming part is not fully fuctioning (only bluetooth and current mesuring sensor is working.
what questions need to be resolved?
The main questions that need to be resolved are Communication and temperature problems. By saying temperature I mean that coil is heating up, so it needs to be optimized coil inductance and frequency.
what have you learned?
I have learned board schematics and layout design, also working with high-frequency electronics, also embedded programming.
what will happen when?
First off I will try to charge my phone using resiver, if it will go well I try to program boards and let them communicate with each other.
what has worked? what hasn't?
The charging was worked, but communication between boards dosen't worked well. I think the problem is that magnetic feild of the coil effects on wires.