Week 1
Project Management, GitLab, Version Control, Mark Down, HTML Website Design
Many people must have encountered funcionality or reduced function problem after a fracture or injury. For example someone has got fracture in finger. After recovery his/her finger won't move as it should. I myself have limited functionality in my hand. I want to make a device or tool that would help and enhance physical functionality. For this course of time I would try to achive finger movement.
Gallery of Works and Moments as Fab Academy Student
Project Management, GitLab, Version Control, Mark Down, HTML Website Design
Project Proposal, Project Conceptualisation, Project Research
3D And 2D Design, Computer Aided Design
Computer Controlled Cutting, Parametric Design
Electronic Production, FabISP, Milling
3D Printing and Scanning, CAD, Additive Manufacturing, Photogrammetry
Electronic Design, Micro-Controller, DataSheet, EagleCAD
Computer Controlled Machininng, CNC, Tool-Path, PartWorks, CAD
Embeded Programming, Coding, C Language, Soldering, Micro-Controllers
Molding Casting, 3D Milling
Find My Weekly Work Below
This week was about what and how the Fab academy functions. Assignment was to sketch and plan a potential final project.
This week’s assignment is to create a personal website to document my learning process in fab academy and to upload it Git.
This week's assignment is to explore 2D and 3d software by modeling a possible final project/its parts.
This week is about computer-controlled cutting. The basic idea is to use cutting tools such as laser cutter and vinyl cutter, learn how to use them and also their parameters.
This week is about electronic production. The basic intent of this week is to understand what a circuit is, the different types and components of a circuit board, milling a PCB and soldering.
This week is about another important process. 3D printing and scanning. We saw the different types of scanning processes and methods along with the post-processing of the same.
The week was about learning to design/draw a circuit board. Though there are several ways to achieve that, we were asked to use software like Kicad, eagle etc. to do so.
This week is about milling using machines, which is basically like laser cutting but in this case, it's with milling beads and much thicker materials.
This week is Embedded Programming. Also it involved learning about different type of architecture of a microcontroller.
This week is about molding and casting. This week seemed quite interesting as there were so many new things to explore and the whole process of doing it was very intriguing.
The week of Sensors. The week was about understanding input devices and using them in a circuit to measure something.
Output devices.These are components that interface with the physical world (such as a motor or light bulb), or drives a device which interfaces with the outside world.
This Week was about getting into details of Final Project. We had to find answers to certain questions like What will it do? Whats already done ? How much will it cost?
Networking and Communications. This week is about how to make two boards talk to each other.
Machine Design week is a group project which is split into two weeks. The first week is to design the machine parts and check its working while the second week is to automate it.
This week is all about programming. As I am totally new to programming the lecture made little sense to me. Neil spoke about different languages first and how to communicate with device interfaces. Then he spoke about the functionality of the programs and performance.
Machine Design week is a group project which is split into two weeks. The first week is to design the machine parts and check its working while the second week is to automate it.
This week was about exploring areas that wee didnt explore much during FabAcademy. Onee of the ething I Got intereested in was doing something with textile.
This week is about what happens when a product is complete or an idea for a product is born. How to patent that idea, or share the knowledge with someone.
This week is where we developed our Final Project and worked on Final Stage of it.
This week we presented our Final Projects. Find information about Final Project in this week.