
The FabKulele is a smart Ukulele designed for learning. In this page I want to present the main objectives of this project.
Fabable and OpenSource
The first idea is to create an OpenSource project that anyone con build with the FabLab facilities. I didn't wanted to create a closed product because for me it was very important to share it with other enthusiasts and everyone interested.

Modular and Portable
The size of the instruments has always been a problems for the musician, so I decided to build a modular prototype that makes it portable and also gives you the opportunity to change the parts to have different sounds and instruments in a single instrument.

For learning
This is the main feature, it is designed for learners, connecting it to the teacher's ukulele to always know where to play and also connecting it to the computer to explore the chord library.

Digital instrument
This was not one of the original objectives, but after some work I realized it could be a very nice feature that opens the digital music world for you. It is super simple, you can create MIDI notes and music while playing the Ukulele.