Tasks of this week:
The weekly assignment started with the one task:
Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered.
Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered:
What will it do?
- will record the data i.e. visitor's mail ID, Phone Number, address etc. filled by visitors of vigyan ashram, pabal, India.
- Currently 'Vigyan Ashram' has footfall of around 8-10 visitors daily. These visitors are potential stakeholders in development of Vigyan Ashram and they could become effective medium to reach out to the larger society. However at the moment there is no method or tool to capture the data of these visitors. Hence I propose to use the 'IBDS' an Inbox Data Saver in which the visitors can save their information - Name and contact details. This data would be used to contact them on important occasions and provide them relevant updates from time to time.
Who's done what beforehand?
- In the bigyan ashram currently students are maintaning a notebook for keeping the data of the visitor's with thier contact details. but sometimes they forget to note down the details and sometimes they face some human errors while taking details from visitors.
What will you design?
In my project I am going to make a intaractive structure which will attract visitors of vigyan ashram. I am planning to do it in MDF. I will also use the 3D printed parts. At the other side I am going to use raspberry pi as my base board.
What materials and components will be used?
- Keyboard
- raspberry pi
- Input Board
- Output Board
- DC power adapter 12V (1 nos)
- ATtiny 45 / 44
Where will it come from?
- almost everything will is made locally in Fablab.
How much will they cost?
- 10 inch LCD 5500(INR)
- Keyboard 750(INR)
- Mouse 600(INR)
- LED strips (1 meter) 150(INR)
- MDF 000(INR)
- Acrylic 000(INR)
- Jummper wires 000(INR)
- Ultrasonic sensor 95 (INR)
- raspberry pi 2699(INR)
What parts and systems will be made?
- Strucrture of MDF, PCB for micro controller
What processes will be used?
- 3D designing using Fusion 360
- Laser Cutting : For cutting MDF
- 3D Printing
- Eagle: For making switch schematic & board design
- Arduino IDE and Atmel Studio: For programing the micro-controller
- PCB milling/electronics production
- Embedded programing
What questions need to be answered?
What is the schedule?
- Here is the schedule of my project. well here I have generated a Gnatt chart of my project management. I always made gnatt chart but never followd it before. I have used 'Gantt Project Software' to make a ganatt chart It is a online tool with paid and free options. I have used the free option.

How will it be evaluated?
Evaluation will depends on the ablity of the machine. e.i by getting the exact numbers and details of visitor's of a week, a month, a year, will evaluate the device.