How to record the data of the visitors visiting Vigyan Ashram, Pabal.
I am Sanket Kulkarni, an ex-student of 'Vigyan Ashram,Pabal'. Currently 'Vigyan Ashram' has footfall of around 8-10 visitors daily. These visitors are potential stakeholders in development of Vigyan Ashram and they could become effective medium to reach out to the larger society. However at the moment there is no method or tool to capture the data of these visitors. Hence I propose to use the 'IBDS' an Inbox Data Saver in which the visitors can save their information - Name and contact details. This data would be used to contact them on important occasions and provide them relevant updates from time to time.
Problem statement:
Currently 'Vigyan Ashram' has footfall of around 8-10 visitors daily. These visitors are potential stakeholders in development of Vigyan Ashram and they could become effective medium to reach out to the larger society. However at the moment there is no method or tool to capture the data of these visitors.
I stared looking up for existing data entry systems. When you search 'Data saver' you will get result for Internet data saver. And I could't find the system which I wanted to devoplop. So I took help from my instructor about programming. We decided that the sructure of this system will be attractive to the visitors. So they can come to the structure.
Possible solutions:
The data entry of the visitors will be digitlized completely. They will fill the required information. ex. Name, Mail ID, mobile number. and we can track the data and information. So that we will get to know how many visitors are visiting in a day, week, month, year.
Currently we are feeding the data manually in a simple ragister. For report someone have to do the all work and make a report. So we thought to make something which will save the time of that someone.

This is a rough sketch of my project.