Project Idea and Rough Sketch
Reason to change
Bluetooth controlled DC motor Car with IR sensor
Why Search and rescue Robot?
I was always amazed with the Robotic technology and wanted to know how robots are build. It would be exciting for me to build my own Robot.
I was confused with fixing my project idea, atlast i decided to make a Search and Rescue robot.
Project Ideas
Disaster time robot, a robot that could save people's lives in disaster scenes.
With the help of the ultrasonic sensor , it can know the obstacles in front of it autonomously.
Meanwhile, it also got a LED module which can be used to light up the path to look for survivors.
By using a passive infrared sensor, it is able to detect people even if the visibility is impaired.
It will also have an all terrain wheel and chasis structure, so it could be useful anywhere.
Design and Rough Sketch

I have not completly decided my design of the robot, but i am planning to build a miniature version of an All terrain heavy vehicle
The chasis and the wheel could be woodworked.
The body of the vehicle could be 3d printed
Additionally apart from the sensors, we could add a camera to the Robot
Later on after my week review with Neil, he advised me to cut short or focus on any of the projects( he thought it as a combination of projects).
Still I wanted to build a moving machine, so I thought of building A small toy car with DC motors which could be controlled using a mobile application
And I wanted it to have its on thoughts in not colliding with obstacles, so a motion/distance sensor attached to give itself instructions to semidrive
Bluetooth controlled DC motor Car with IR sensor
What will it do?
The DC motor robot (car, i prefer robot) which have a IR sensor(or ultra sonic sensor)
The Master could control and drive the car through his mobile phone using a bluetooth sensor,
Also the ultrasonic sensor looks for the obstacles and avoids them.
Who's done what beforehand?
I have searched the internet for similar projects and i came across a few projects in the instructables relating to the bluetooth driven DC car, see below links.
Bluetooth controlled RC car by Dzefri
Open MenuOpen Source Turtle Robot (OSTR) by MakersBox
Then also seen a Fab project not similar to my project but somewhat useful,
YLi , FABRICATION LAB Harvard, Fab Academy 2013
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This work by Aby Michael is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.