Fab Academy 2018 - Thierry Dassé

Week 19 : Invention, Intellectual Property and Business Models


Creative Commons licenses is a way to share my work, without losing my rights, and to let future users know what they can do and what is not permitted.

With those licenses, you can decide how and what you share.

I'd like my e-bin project to be shared, used by many peoples to help them to think about their ecological impact.
And I'd also like my project to be modified, improved by other users, but not for commercial use.
That's why I choose a CC-BY-NC-SA License for my project.


My e-bin project can be made in a Fablab (with 3D printer, laser cutter and electronic tools) and is cheap (I try to make it for less than 30$).
I think it as a modular system.
To disseminate, I'll share all my conception files. So, makers will be able to build it but also to modify it in order to adapt or improve.