As part of this week's assignment, I need to redraw HelloWorld Board and test it.During the lecture Professor Niel shared many softwares which can be used for circuit Designing, but EAGLE is easy to use as per my opinion. I had worked on EAGLE before, but I am not really an expert at this. The thing that requires some practice is routing, so I watched some youtube tutorials to get may hands on it.
Beofre making the schematic of Hello World board, I need to add fab library to my EAGLE libraries. The fab library provides almost all the components that will be used to make the hello world board. Adding and using a library is shown in the steps below:
The library is now ready to use.
This board contains an ATTiny44 and the other components mentioned above, I need to make some modifications in it so that I can add an LED and button.
Before making the schematic on EAGLE, I read the Data Sheet of ATTiny , to check about its specifications and pin-configuration, which is given below:
Now, its time to make the hello world board on EAGlE software, I have to add an LED and button in the existing schematic discussed earlier.
I have added an LED and a push Button, and added an extra 2x3 ISP SMD Header also , to use the extra Input Output pins of the ATtiny44 for my future assignments. As part of my Final project, I need to test it in various steps , so I will be making use of the extra I/O pins.
The next step is to check errors , I checked the erros using ERC and cleared all the warnings.
My schematic diagram is done, now I switch to the board. Simply click on the icon, as shown below:
It took me more time to set the components in proper place, initially i did not set the grid properly. Then i set the grid to 0.079375 mm. The other thing that troubled me was routing, but after many attempts I completed it. I had set the Line width equals to the default value of 0.4064, it was doing fine , but there were some connections which were merging with each other. So, i used two line widths, 0.3048 and 0.4064. My board is complete and shown below:
Now, I need to check for erros, but as I had already tried in many attempts to adjust the line width, so this time I did not get any error. Before checking the errors, we need to uncheck all the unused layers from the layer settings.
Now, by checking the ERC, and then clearing the warnings.
Finally, I have made my Board ready. I just need to export and save it as PNG to generate the RML files.
In order to do the milling on PCB, I used the PCB layout provided during class. The traces and Outline is given below. The drilling was not required as shown in the schematic below:
Following steps were required for the PCB milling:
Following are the required steps for generating RML files.
This GIF image shows all the steps mentioned above:
Following are the steps required for setting the position on ROLAND SRM-20 and then do the milling task:
The GIF image given below shows the GUI of VPanel and the steps mentioned above:
Now, the machine is all set, and busy in performing its task very well.
The results are here, satisfying and motivating you to work further:
Following steps were required for the SMT based soldering on PCB
Following components were required for soldering:
I did some good practice in week 06 on SMT before, so this time I did not face any difficulty while soldering the components.
The circuit is ready, now I just need to check its connection and program it using the FABISP programmer.
In the next step, I checked if my Hello Board was working fine by using the Programmer FabISP.
Then I checked it using a simple blink program, if the led attached at pin 6 of Attiny works when operated.
All the Files of Week- 07 are attached below!
Week 07 Files!