Week3 : CAD

Design Glass

For Week3 : vector assignment goto:
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Design Glass


1. Draw some sketches on paper, try many shapes…

You may immediately start drawing lines in vectors, but I rather made rough sketch on blank paper to consider on shapes. In this way you can think with your hands not only brain.

2. Scan and import it to Inkscape

I am much more familiar with Adobe Illustrator, but this time tried Inkscape (free 2D vector drawing tool).
Instead of using scanner I simply took picture with my phone, just make sure to use light equipment that can cast white even light to avoid color change (not necessary important this time) and contrasting.
scaned skech
import to Inkscape

3. Use pen tool trace sketch

By using pen tool in Inkscape you can make bezier curve. Simply click to create control point, click and drag to make control point with handles (to make curves).
trace sketch
trace sketch

4. Small adjustments

I am gonna import it to 3D CAD to rotate and make a 3D object, so the line has to start and end at the center axis. I made the guide (green line) and (wanted to use snap tool but failed so) manually edited the control point to align with center axis.
need an alignment...
make axis guide line
Fixed details…(use zoom/zoom-out tool)
details fixed

5. Check appearance when rotated

I used clone / mirror to check appearance when it is rotated, and again made some adjustments. Since I cloned it, all the changes I made on the original line immediately reflect to the mirrored line.
made clone
made some adjustments

5. Save as svg and import it to Fusion360

Now it’s time to make it 3D.
Save line data as svg, go to Fusion360, import svg by using insert menu from Model mode. Select face and specify the file you want to open.
open svg in fusion360

6. Revolve

Use Revolve tool from create menu to make 3D body. Before doing this, you first should erase lines you will not need.
Choose the lines you want to revolve and the axis of rotation.
revolved successfully
Now you have a 3D model.

7. Render

Preinstalled fusion 360 renderer

Render mode view
Choose appearance from Rendermode > appearance menu.
Adjust Scene setting, and press Render. You will be asked the size of the output image, quality and which computer you wanna use to calculate (weather Cloud or local).

I played around with valuables in render setting, ended up with following valuables.

Parameter value
Brightness 23055lux
Perspective 100mm
Exposure 13.4EV
Environment skylight/sharp highlights

I also made background surface to show the reflection and nice shadow of the object, and decent gradation in the back.
background surface


Some other renderer I want to try