Week20 : Project Development
what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
- Make controller board including power conditioning circuit
- System integration and packaging
- programming
*This spread sheet is linked to external up to date document. The cell filled in red is completed task. Remaining cells are the remaining tasks.
what has worked? what hasn’t?
What worked
- Power LEDs and driver
- 5x5 LED matrix
- Individual sensors (ToF range sensor and radar proximity sensor)
Not working yet (under development)
- program
- fixation mean to the lighting duct rail
I am not sure this could be done with in dead line. If not, I will simply use huge clip to fix it to the rack.
Worked but needs improvement
- Controller board
Made Satshakit but using original trace. I am designing my own Satshakit PCB with power conditioning circuit integrated.
- Focal length adjustment slider (mechanics)
1st prototype worked, but need bigger range and smoothness of the movement. I am currently working on new slider (rack and pinion system) and trying to apply rotation servo motor… let’s see how it turns out.
- Some components of the enclosure
I already designed 3D model of the enclosure, however some parts need to be slightly adjusted.
what questions need to be resolved?
- How can I sense users touching light indicator? or what is the limitation of sensing.
- How can I fix the fitting to duct rail?
what will happen when?
Schedule is being managed at up-to-date spreadsheet above.
what have you learned?
- Use of ICs. (how to read datasheets and modify typical application circuit)
- How to design board efficiently. (finding or registering component libraries to Eagle, make through holes and so on)
- Mechanical design. (what I need to pay a tension for to design accurately)
The last spurt…