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W2 - A Very Basic GIT Tutorial
Git Fork Logo cc-by Andrejs Kirma at NOUN PROJECT

GitHub ClassRoom Tutorial

This Tutorial is a very handy and simple way to introduce your Fab Lab users to git and maybe (github). Github classroom is a great tool to create small courses for fab lab competences development.

  1. Github.com Configuration
    1. SignUp to GitHub.com.

  2. Download a Git Client. To keep following this tutorial please use GitHub Desktop.

  3. Creating the Repository: This method implies the automatic creation of the repository by accepting the github classroom assignment, which makes things quite easy for an introductory use of git and github. It can also be used in small courses at a Fab Lab.
    1. Follow a link to specific GitHub Classroom. The instructor should have it previously configured with identifiers (example: Student ID number). By selecting yours you will be able to accept the assignment.
    2. Accept the assignment:
    3. Wait for the “ready to go” warning, and follow this link.
    4. You have created a blank github repository!
  4. Now configure the Repository locally by following these steps:
    1. Setup in Desktop
    2. Choose and accept local Git Client app
    3. Clone the Repo
  5. Git Operations - You should repeat these every time you work on your project, and for each significant changes.
  6. Each significant change should be followed by a commit:
  7. Push or Publish
  • Communication with professors or peers can be done through Issues and replies.