Calligrapher, Writer (Arabic articles) and Fablaber (Digital Fabrication)
Hussain Alhudhud, having a Bachelor Degree in Computer and Information Science from Purdue University, Indianapolis at IUPUI campus. He is currently an Operation Manager at FABLAB Dhahran. In addition, he trained to use machines in FABLAB Dhahran as Laser Cutter, CNC, and Vinyl Cutter, which is designs by using inkscape program in 2D Design.
Mr. Hussain is innovative, responsible trainer and Admin Officer / Facilitator, focused on finding alternatives in creative ways and capable of working in diverse environment.
Let's begin the journey that I have joined in the digital fabrication of Fab Academy. The first station is building a personal site that utilizes my background in the computer science degree. Build a site in Fab Academy needs few step:
I got only one issue to browse my website after I push it that nothing shows up. Then I figured out that I forgot to create .gitlab-ci.yml
Using Dreamweaver for editing the html webpage
Check the status for any update
add all file before to push
add the comments message to recored your step
push the update to fabcloud of gitlab