The deadline for weekly assignment completion and documentation is June 11, 2018. I have completed all weekly assignments but I still have documentation to catch up on. For my final project I plan on being much better about documenting as I work rather than waiting until I get to some end-point.
The deadline for my final project is June 20th, when I will present my physical project, slide, and video in class. I still have much of my final project to do. Currently, I have a designed a modified Barduino (Imliduino!) with the color sensor on it. I have milled and stuffed it. I will use the Barduino I milled/stuffed for Networking to receive code from the Imliduino to control the DotStar LED strip. I also have already designed the crankie box that I will machine on the ShopBot
My project is now divided into five distinct but interrelated areas:
Since programming is my weakest skill of I will invest a great deal of time on this, seek assistance where I can, and document as I go. Machining and laser-cutting must happen at Dassault so it is likely that my workload will be split into separate day and evening tasks.
I found a box generator that I was able to use for my crankie box design and successfully modified and translated sketches of crankie designs I'd found online to a 3d design in Fusion 360.
I've tested a commercial board with the same color sensor as the one I put on the Imliduino and calibrated it to detect different colors.
I will be using the same serial bus setup that I'd successfully used for networking to communicate between the two boards.
The biggest failing point at this stage is that I'm still wrapping up documentation from earlier exercises which means I have less time to dedicate to my final project.
Questions to be Resolved
Things Learned
I have a lot of work to do but I've already learned a great deal about project management- budgeting more time than I think I will need, document along the way, break up larger tasks into smaller ones, and build from simpler tasks to more complex ones.