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Invention, Intellectual Property & Income

Week 19


Our tasks for this week are:

  • Individual assignment:
    • Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project
    • Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your root directory

Presentation Slide & Video Drafts

a teaching heart
Video of a teaching heart

Dissemination plan

  • All CAD files and EDA plans will be documented on my final page
  • I will work with my supervisors and team at Boston Children’s Hospital to evaluate and continue to develop the teaching heart for patient-family interactions
  • I hope to make the plans available to any hospital, educational institution, or individual who may wish to make one, as well as offer my services to build and/or deliver models to hospitals who wish to integrate the teaching heart into their patient-family consults.

Future opportunities and/or development

I would like to continue to develop and improve this project with continued input from cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and the patient-families gathered from consults.

Other possible ideas/directions to develop the project:

  • integrate heart rate sensing into the lighting animation
  • customize the animation/light timings to make heart appear to ‘beat’ more realistically
  • develop different lighting modes to light up the specific heart chambers corresponding to a button/touchpad on the base
  • develop geometry & patterning specifically to teach conduction pathway
  • develop additional, disease-specific teaching models for other congenital heart defects
  • further conceal the LED strips using paint, some sort of diffusing tape, or developing a clever way to conceal the strips within the walls
  • further downsize the electronics by developing a flexible PCB or using copper traces cut on a vinyl cutter


This project is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).

Notes from the week below

Local class

What is property? What gives you property of something?

If you invest effort of your body, of your land, of your time, it makes sense to “own” it Once you die, is it your right to choose who can use it after? Worth some thought, not just taking concepts of ownership or property for granted

Is ownership relative? it’s an agreement that’s convenient to the way we operate in different cultures, different definitions of value, or ownership, of shared ownership

what is IP? non-tangible assets, that have no material cost to replicate digitalization of knowledge has changed things a lot

Are we faking scarcity? w/ digitalization we can replicate for very low cost - so why don’t we? to make a song, costs one price to develop and produce that song - cost doesn’t go up when sell more songs

Scotty - project developed in 2015 - idea of maintaining scarcity / not violating IP printer one destructs the object while scanning, layer by layer, then sends to the receiver printer to print a new one shows the paradox in the way we talk about scarcity

Don’t take IP, knowledge, for granted pushing values you don’t agree with? how you define the way to share a project is important as the geometry how do things work as a system, not just an object zoom out to design/manage IP with projects

difference between defining certain rules and enforcing those laws - country-dependent etherium smart contracts “magical technological solutions” miss the consensus based on logical mathematics - work on small scale, but don’t scale when when implement consider benefit to you, to society, to country but also the ramifications, implications easy to get lost in terminology, but need to zoom out how design relates to others

Key models:

  • Patent - legal right to exclude others from using a unique invention for a limited period. started in industial revolution. so government tells individuals that they can protect your invention in exchange for disclosing that design. Government keeps a pulse on the tech, and also can use for their own purposes after the patent expires - require public disclosure of the invention

  • Copyrights - exclusive rights over creative works. in most countries, copyright by default. keep extending - life of author plus 70 years

  • Public domain - creative works w/ no exclusive rights. ex: WTFPL - can filter github by license. when copyright expires, becomes public domain (ex: words of william shakespeare; nonprofit to preserve)

  • Open source - license allowing free use, modification, and sharing of software. feeds into Open Source Initiative guidelines. very specific way of managing IP

  • Creative Commons - simplifies IP license selection but not necessarily open source. ex: can use this, but not for commercial reasons

  • Trade secret

Lawrence Lessig - “Copyright law has got to give up its obsession with the “copy”

Joinup Licensing Assistant filtering

SaaS - software as a service more complicated when use software remotely (google example)

software was first

  • Proprietary licenses vs free & open source licenses = grants use but not ownership vs grants to use & re-distribution
  • copyleft licences - preserve freedom & subsequent users get same rights vs permissive

GNU Free Software licenses:

  • freedom to use software for any purpose
  • freedom to change the software to suit your needs
  • freedom to share the software w/ friends & neighbors
  • freedom to share the changes you make

GNU created open source C compiler to make machine code –> later enabled people to make linus

get a dish with a meal vs getting the recipe for the meal

Key Open software licenses

language subtleties “Free” or “freedom” in English but “Libre” is different from “Gratis” in spanish

Hardware open licensing not as mature as software CERN Open Hardware License = one well known hardware license

responsibility of making technology

Last updated on Jun 04, 2024
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