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Interface & Application Programming

Week 15


Our tasks for this week are:

  • Group assignment: Compare as many tool options as possible
  • Individual assignment: Write an application that interfaces a user with an input &/or output device that you made

Group Assignment

The group assignment is linked here.

In the group assignment we summarized several of the user interfacing tools used by members of our class including PyQt5, React, MediaPipe, Processing, and Flutter. A general overview of each package, as well as its strengths, challenges, and a tutorial and/or review based on personal experience was included for each tool.

Individual Assignment

Selected UI

I used Processing to interface with the Arduino IDE and a potentiometer input device. I based my assignment off of this instructables tutorial by BhattaG which I first discovered during Inputs week when I was testing detecting heart rate via a piezoelectrode sensor.

I used the base board I developed and produced for my Final Project. The microcontroller is the Xiao ESP32c3.

In my arduino code I read the serial value from the analog input device (in this case a potentiometer, but it could also be something like a piezoelectic input device). In the processing sketch I listen for the serial values from COM11 (the port my board is connected to) and make a visualization based off those values.


Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE interface
Arduino IDE interface

Code for the Arduino IDE can be downloaded here or copied and pasted from below.

You’ll have to update the pin name to reflect the correct one of the input device you have attached to your board.

// code from, BhattaG

int POT_PIN = D0;      // analog output pin for the potentiometer

void setup() {

void loop() {



Processing sketch

Processing sketch
Processing sketch

The Processing sketch I used can be downloaded here or copied and pasted from below.

N.B.: you’ll have to update the myPort = new Serial(this, "COM11", 9600); line to whatever port you’re using on your computer. In mine it was COM11.

// processing code based on, BhattaG
// processing code modified with the help of chatGPT

import processing.serial.*;

Serial myPort; 
int currentBPM = 60; // Current BPM value
int pulseState = 0; // Pulse state (on/off)
int lastPulseTime = 0; // Time when the last pulse occurred

void setup () {
    size(600, 400);

    myPort = new Serial(this, "COM11", 9600);  // UPDATE WITH THE PORT ON YOUR COMPUTER

void draw () {
    fill(255); // White color for text
    text("BPM: " + currentBPM, 10, height - 50);

    int currentTime = millis();
    int pulseDuration = 60000 / currentBPM / 2; // Duration of each pulse state (on/off)

    // Control the red light pulsing
    if (currentTime - lastPulseTime >= pulseDuration) {
        pulseState = 1 - pulseState; // Toggle pulse state
        lastPulseTime = currentTime;

    if (pulseState == 1) {
        fill(255, 0, 0); // Red color for light
    } else {
        fill(0); // Turn off the light
    ellipse(width / 2, height / 2, 100, 100); // Draw the red light

void serialEvent (Serial myPort) {
    String inString = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');

    if (inString != null) {
        inString = trim(inString);
        int analogValue = int(inString);

        // Map the analog value (0-4095) to BPM (30-180)
        currentBPM = int(map(analogValue, 0, 4095, 30, 180));


A common beginner challenge to working with Processing and Arduino is trying to have the serial monitor open in both. In order for Processing to read the serial values, the Arduino serial monitor must be closed. If Processing is still not working/able to access the port, try reseting the board via the Reset button onboard.

Hero Shots

spin dial to change the BPM shown as a red light flashing on the screen


I had a few hiccups due to trying to do this assignment outside of the lab (not having an FTDI cable, or little connector wires, with me) but I figured out how to do it with a the base board I had with me since the Xiao allow me to both program and read serial from the same port.

Notes from the week below


IFttt OSC (wireless protocol) vs serial PureData Pixel sorting effect for OSC projects, just buy a router for it ($35) for AR, use home assistant on Raspberry Pi 5 or 4



  • open source, free
  • like arduino but for designers

Touch Designer


  • some functionality free, some not
  • node based, like grasshopper
  • a lot of people use just for visuals
  • info from phone –> physical output or create visuals


  • Max MSP - for audio/song creation, is the commercial version of PureData Link
  • more “rustic” interface, but open source
  • Maria Arnal, Catalan singer


Martin Messier - drops of water


Max Air Guitar


AR interactions through phone

Hands on Demo


info transmitted between Arduino <–> Processing

OSC seems more robust (as long as have own router) Serial is better for if using a cable, direct wire

Touch Designer



Link connect to phone gyroscope/accelerometer


Really useful app for interfacing with phone

Including but not limited to: image detection NFC reader (read NFC tag, produce some output) Apple Pencil data reading Acceleration Gravity (if throw phone) gyroscope quaternation compass (orientation from phone) pressure (how many finger pressing) GPS - location


“DJ” interface app need to connect with Processing, Touch Designer, etc. that uses OSC Will always need an intermediate program

AR kit

kit apple has for face sensors ex: turn a light on by blinking an eye, open mouth image detection

demo w/ AR on phone: Zappar / Zapworks

Tree and fox example Web hook - application connected to home assistant

Home assistant demo w/ Raspberry Pi

Raspberry pi 5 - it’s a tiny computer in itself will need an SD card to burn any program to a Raspberry pi, need an SD card & Raspberry pi image burner can be used for 3D printing operations also Home Assistant connect raspberry pi to router via ethernet connect RPi to power


  • important to use google chrome browser, only browser which supports these interactions


interact with heart in 3D, hospital installation interact with heart in OR

visualize flow through heart/tube visualize heart valve function visualize valve support structures

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