so i started writing simple code for designing the cup charger
$fn = 64; // all by mm difference() { x(); tube(100,3); } module x() { translate([0,0,-10]) color([0.25,0.25,0.25]) cylinder (h=10,r=100); rotate([0,0,90]) translate([-(100-12.5),5,0]) roundedRect([25,3,0.2],2); rotate([0,0,90]) translate([-(100-12.5),-5,0]) roundedRect([25,3,0.2],2); } module tube(size, radius) { rotate_extrude() { translate([size,0,0]) circle(r = radius); } } module roundedRect(size, radius) { x = size[0]; y = size[1]; z = size[2]; linear_extrude(height=z) hull() { // place 4 circles in the corners, with the given radius translate([(-x/2)+(radius/2), (-y/2)+(radius/2), 0]) circle(r=radius); translate([(x/2)-(radius/2), (-y/2)+(radius/2), 0]) circle(r=radius); translate([(-x/2)+(radius/2), (y/2)-(radius/2), 0]) circle(r=radius); translate([(x/2)-(radius/2), (y/2)-(radius/2), 0]) circle(r=radius); } }
the final result is:
however, using sphere to cut the cylinder is not what intended ..
it should be fillet design so in order to achieve that ..
i researched online for openscad fillet found this link but didnt try it yet: