Week 11 - Input Devices

Input devices - a hardware or peripheral device used to send data to a computer. An input device allows users to communicate and feed instructions and data to computers for processing, display, storage and/or transmission.

Assignment :

1) measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you've designed and read it


After fabricated the FabISP programmer and Hello-world board, this time round going to add sensor on a self-designed microcontroller board and run it.

I need to practise a bit more on my FabISP programmer and Hello-world board before I design the microcontroller board for my photo transistor. I have tried to write a simple program using Aruduino (softwareserial) to test whether it is able to feedback through the serial monitor.

Before I can write the softwareserial program and upload it to run, I will need to use the PL2303 USB To RS232 TTL cable to feedback to the Aruduino serial monitor. Due to Windows 8.1, I was unable to install the driver. I was advised by my instructor, Steven to use PL2303 USB To RS232 TTL converter adapter to replace the cable and it works out fine.

Below is a screen shot (on the left) of my feedback program and a picture (on the right) of the hello board running the feedback.


Click here to view program file


It was a success and I am ready to take a step forward. This time I am going to program using a Aruduino Uno Board to run a PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor). I got the program to run and it works out well with no issues with the Aruduino Uno Board and PIR. I was using the serial monitor to display "Motion detected" when PIR detects something and "Motion ended" when nothing is detect.

Below is a screen shot (on the top) of the program for the PIR and a picture (on the below) of the PIR in work.


Click here to view file


I tried to program using ATtiny and I was faced with problems becasue the limitations of the ATtiny, it does not have the hardware for the softwareserial like Aruduino Uno Board. I tried to program it to work but I failed to do it. My instructor, Steven taught me how to resolve the problem. I really learned a lot from this lesson and I am now having a better understanding with programming. Thanks, Steven...

Below is a screen shot (on the top) of the program for the PIR using ATtiny and a picture (on the below) of the PIR in work using ATtiny.


Click here to view file


Click on the picture to take a look of the video (PIR in work using ATtiny).



After trying out with the PIR, I am going on to build a phototransistor. First, I used the Eagles Cad to draw out the board using Neil's exaple.

Below is a screen shot of my schematic design and the board outlook of the phototransistor board.


Click here to view sch file

Click here to view brd file


Upon completing the schematic design, I went to cut out the board using LPKF and solder the components on to the board. Last most crucial part is to program the board, I actually went to find Rodney, one of my course mate to help me out. I finally completed writing out the program for the phototransistor board.

Below is the screen shot of the program using Arduino IDE to write out.


Click here to view file


After that I went to try out with the phototransistor and the results was great. It woks pretty well...

Below is a photo of me trying out on the phototransistor board.

Click on the picture to take a look of the video of the test on the phototransistor.

