Invention, Intellectual property, and Income



About my final project, the goal is to get a sound experience tool that can serve as input for artists, professionals musicians and self-taught, children in early learning stage, the blind peolple, and anyone who wants to experience with sound intuitively.


The idea is that this product is open source, both software and hardware, the program is developed in Arduino and the hardware platform is designed to be reproduced by digital production with a great capacity for optimization of material. However, I think it is necessary to establish a business model to ensure the entire research project.



My project from the beginning would be protected by a OSHW license in this way can be fed back the proposal, the idea is to get fed back from the people to keep experimenting and improving the user experience, in tone variety, sensitivity, program response, etc.


Regarding the commercial issue. Although there is no Maker community developed in Latin America, it is still under development. It is for this reason that initially can be disseminated through workshops and digital fabrication courses through Fab Labs. It could also distribute assembly and disassembly, a very similar to RepRap phenomenon could happen, because you could get the product to experience armed or disarmed him directly to modify, in addition to providing workshops and courses to assemble your own product, this could enriching the spread of digital manufacturing, musical research and community Maker.