Interface and Application Programming
In this assignment we have to develop an interface that responds to an input device or to be linked to an output device .
In this ocation, I used the Fabduino I built for the OUTPUT DEVICE assigment to send information to the computer through a serial port.
Then burn a program that filters the signal to piezoelectric and map it to translate it into visual information , I used processing for that , processing allowed me to generate a relationship between generative geometry and sound.
The Videos
int datoRead, datoWrite=0;
void setup() {
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
datoRead = analogRead(A0);//declara el pin de entrada
datoWrite= map(datoRead, 0,10,0,255); //mapeodel rango de la señal con el rango de tonos
Serial.write(datoWrite);//monitoreo de datos de entrada
if (datoRead>10){//condición
tone(7,datoWrite);}//entonces emite tono
if (datoRead>10){//condición
delay(1000);//entonces el tono dura este tiempo
noTone(7);//si la señal es menor a 10 no hay tono
import processing.serial.*;
int val = 0; // To store data from serial port, used to color background
Serial port; // The serial port object
float a;
float b;
float h, x, y;
void setup() {
size(1330, 700);
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 9600);
a = width/2;
b = height/2;
void draw() {
x = val;
y = 0.0049*x*x + x*0.001 + 5 ;
line(a, b, x+width/2, y); // arriba derecha
line(a, b, width/2-x, y); //arriba izquierda
line(a, b, x+width/2, height-y);//abajo derecha
line(a, b, width/2-x, height-y); // abajo izquierda
line(x+width/2, y, width/2-x, y); // arriba
line(x+width/2, height-y, width/2-x, height-y); // abajo
line(x+width/2, b, width/2-x, b); // centro
line(x+width/2, b, a, y );
line(width/2-x, b, a, y ); //mirror arriba
line(x+width/2, b, a, height-y );
line(width/2-x, b, a, height-y ); //mirror abajo
void serialEvent(Serial port) {
// Data from the Serial port is read in serialEvent() using the read() function and assigned to the global variable: val
val = port.read();
// For debugging
// println( "Raw Input:" + val);