int potPin = 0; // Analog in 0 connected to the potentiometer
int potPin2 = 1; // Analog in 0 connected to the potentiometer
int transistorPin = 9; // PWM Pin 9 connected to the base of the transistor
int transistorPin2 = 10; // PWM Pin 9 connected to the base of the transistor
int potValue = 0; // value returned from the potentiometer
int potValue2 = 0; // value returned from the potentiometer
void setup() {
// set the transistor pin as output:
pinMode(transistorPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(transistorPin2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// read the potentiometer, convert it to 0 - 255:
potValue = analogRead(potPin) / 4;
// use that to control the transistor:
analogWrite(transistorPin, potValue);
// read the potentiometer, convert it to 0 - 255:
potValue2 = analogRead(potPin2) / 4;
// use that to control the transistor:
analogWrite(transistorPin2, potValue2);