17 invention, intellectual property, and income

The purpose of my final project is to offer a reasonable solution for the home office work environment, at an affordable cost. The design can be constructed at any FabLab or any institution with access to CNC equipment; sustractive or additive. To make my proposal accessible to anyone interested, I´ve learned about different possible I.P. options

In my final project I´ve been using several tools which are open source, such as Inkscape, FabModules, code files and png files from the course, either as reference or as tools. I begun this course knowing already about CAD CAM, but along these 19 weeks I´v elearned from others a lot on topics I was completely ignorant.

Considering this, I´d like to make my project proposal available to the general public / anyone who wants to make it, modify it and evolve it. I believe a Creative Commons type of licensing fits better for these purposes, reserving to myself or to the local FabLab, the commercial rights in case of series production.