7. embedded programming

Embedded programming:


I´ve tried to program the FabHello 44 board I´ve made for the Electronics Design Assignment using Arduino, using an Arduino ISP as a programming device, following this tutorial:

Programming an ATtiny with Arduino ISP

First I opened the Arduino software to select the correct Attiny micro on the Hello board:



Then I chose the Arduino ISP driver from the Programmer menu;


After that I checked that the Arduino ISP is connected to the right port:


Next I loaded the Arduino ISP from the files menu:



When I tried to burn the bootloader, I got error messages. I tried again using an AVRISP, and, as soon as connected it, it flashed both green and orange led signals.


After that I decided to connect the hello to an Arduino Mega to provide 5v, and the AVRISP with Atmel Studio in another PC computer we have at the lab to obtain a diagnostic of why / what was going wrong with the board.



Although the board received voltage and I had both green LED lights, they still were an error. The LED on the Hello board didn´t flash. When I read the AtmelStudio diagnostic, it said there was an inverted connection on the board. I checked for bad connections, re-soldered suspicious bad connections, connected again, but still the same mesagge appeared… I´m a little frustrated to have half of my electronics & programming  assignments incomplete despite trying to solve theses issues. I´ll make another Hello 44 with a different design.
