Cesar's Site

Computer-Aided Design

I began plotting all my ideas on a whiteboard to order the structure and parts of my project, it helped me define a little more what I want to do first is the puzzle board, any buttons and functions that would have and the work area. I tried to imagine the design of the robot and also the functions that could make also started to define the variables that they would be inside the programming block
Then I made a chart with approximate measures would describe my project height, width and thickness, also describe measures of components such as LEDs and buttons; also the shape of the robot to be controlled by the algorithm, defining the location of sensors and structure
After defining the parts of my project I had to found a CAD software to help me perform my project, initially did not have much knowledge of CAD design, so I had to find one that is practical and allow me to learn fast, I started with the RHINO software, but due my little experience could not achieve the goal and did not allow me to advance; then I tried the software of Autodesk INVENTOR, so easily learned through a consultation in the FabLab esan, then seemed to me that INVENTOR is the most optimal for the type of work that I perform, block design mechanical parts for the robot etc. and also it would allow me to move forward quickly with the advice against future problems.
After that I designed parts of the project based on the estimated measures in an outline above, is initially an overview of what would consist project as buttons and LEDs besides the prinsipal part where I would be content all electronics and where would the puzzle pieces.
At the end I have the two building blocks of the project, the board programming where stowed parts programming and also the robot initially estimated will be free to walk on the basis of programming and also the arrangement of the sensors in the robot's head, in this case ultrasound sensors
to animate the pieces and make a small sample of how they showed, I wanted to use tool Inventor but after several attempts I had a compatibility problems with "media windows", alternatively I use VLC but still could not get the video, so I opted to use a screen capture software, so I used ACTION! on a trial period of 30 days, with this I had the video ready.
design files l( DOWNLOAD )

Video 09-02-2015 08-41-55 a.m. from cesar on Vimeo.