This week we learned how to use a
CNC router to machine large objects. Our task was to build
something big. I designed a press fit chair inspired by a press
fit desk that was used as an example. I went with press fit
construction because I had portability in mind. I didn't want to
design and build something as complicated as a folding chair,
and I thought press fit parts were the next best option. I'm not
going to include the file for the chair because it would just be
too damned large for a webpage, so instead I'll include a scaled
down version.
I added fillets to certain spots later using Vcarve. The chair
came out mostly good. It fits together nicely for the most part.
I didn't add enough tabs to the part that would be the back of
the chair, as a result, it shifted out of place towards the end.
It still worked after some sanding. Here is the picture of the
final product: