An Introduction + Mercurial

An Introduction + Mercurial

First Thoughts on a Final Project

All the things! And it's probably going to need to incorporate this video somewhow:

Setting up this site

After way too much internetting I've decided to use Ghost to create this site. After trying out miltiple a number of blog creation tools I found I agreed with this analysys about how most of them appear to both be marketed and function in ways that make developers comfortable. Ghost actually seemed focused on just providing a clean blogging platform that would let me focus on content.


For our local repository we decided to use a shared google drive folder that we could all sync with. Then our local instructor could push the directory with Mercurial to the fab lab archive once a week. So to get some prectice with mercurial myself I setup a free hosted account on and went through the steps of cloning and updating a project from there.

The setup

I first created an account on and added a public project called cute.
I then installed mercurial on my macbook air by just downloading the latest install package and running it.
Next I cloned the the cute project using the command:

hg clone

I then created a ReadMe.rtf file in the cloned cute directory.
Then I added the ReadMe.rtf to the directory and commited it back to the archive:

cd cute
hg add ReadMe.rtf
hg commit -m "my first commit"
hg push

This only issue I had was that I had not setup my username at first so I had to do that using

hg config --edit

This opened a terrible text editor that let me set a username in the config file by using the following steps

  • Press 'i' to get into editing mode
  • Add a username and email like the example in the file shows
  • Press 'esc'
  • Type ':wq!' to save and exit the stupid editor program.

Here is what that all looked like in the terminal(without the text editor part shown):
And checking the online repository we can see the change went through with the comment and everything.