01 CAD

01 CAD


So this week we're learning CAD programs. Which I believe stands for Computed ADorableness.

I once made a fox plush doll version of myself to send away with a friend who was moving out of town. I really liked how it came out so I've decided I will try using some 2D and 3D design tools to sketch out a new plush doll pattern based on my cat and model it. This way I can also use the 2D sketch as a laser cutting pattern for cutting the felt which should save a huge portion of the constuction time.

(Above is the original "Little Fox Jeff" I'm using as a reference)

2D Sketching

I decided to go with illustrator for my 2D even though I'm sure InkScape would have been just as easy.

Bella Next I pulled out all the pieces what would need be laser cut and seperated them by color.

Here is the 2D file.

3D Modeling

Next I wanted to get an idea of what the finished doll would look like so I decided to give blender a try and follow some character creation tutorials where you start with a sketch of your model and extrude out a 3D model based on it.
There there was a few hours of pushing points arounf the screen and learning to light and shade things.
But I think I got what I was looking for. The next step is probably applying the hand stitch details from the original image to the object surfaces to make it complete.

Here is the Model File.

The Inspiration