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Designing and Milling

Making the Composite

  • What a FUN process! We had a great time with this! It was a couple weeks after starting the designing process due to a slow down with the ShopBot. Creating the Composite: First, I cut several layers of plastic and padding. I chose burlap to keep things natural! Next, I cut several layers of an absorbent material to absorb the extra resin. For the vacuum process, a seal was created by applying plastic and black foam tape to the table (see pics). The material I put on top of the mold allowed air to get through to aid in the vacuum process but kept the material from sticking to the form, thus unmolding was easier. Mixing the resin composite and coating the burlap was a group effort. We worked together to help each other to stay within the time constraints for the pot life of our material. After we coated the burlap, I had to make sure to alternate the grain of each layer of material, which would increas the strength of the final product. I put many layers of absorbent batting on top and then the largest layer of plastic and cut a small hole into the plastic to place the valve for the vacuuming. After 2 days, we unmolded and my boat was amazing.

    composites composites

    Design Files
    Boat stl
    Boat dwg