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Our homework was to propose a final project that integrates the range of units covered in FAB Academy. I am an elementary school teacher about to help open a STEM school this fall, so of course I wanted to make something that we would use at the new school AND that young kids would LOVE. This school year, our favorite Design Challenges have been those that have involved racing and competition.

What will it do?


Who's done what beforehand?

Dual Lane Race Timer on

Dad's HotWheel Track for Son

Dad Track

What materials and components will be required?
Where will they come from?
How much will it cost?
The costs should be minimal since we should have most supplies in the lab. It should cost between $20-$30 to make, depending on what one has on hand.

BOM for Final Project
  1. phototransistors 1206--2
  2. white/yellow LEDs--2
  3. ATTiny 44--1
  4. capacitor--1
  5. 1k resistor--1
  6. 10k resistor--2
  7. 2 pin connectors--2
  8. 4 pin connector--1
  9. 6 pin connector--1
  10. ABS plastic sheets to laser...could use acrylic
  11. vinyl for vinly cutter
  12. 2 red LED pin lights
  13. 9 volt battery and holder
  14. appropriate cabling that is available
  15. FTDI and ISP for programming

What parts and systems will be made?
  • 4 legs for start/finish line
  • 2 top cross pieces for start/finish line
  • system of 5 boards networked together

  • What tasks need to be completed? (see below)
    What processes will be used? (see below)

    What questions need to be answered?

    What is the schedule?
    How will it be evaluated?

    ***My final project will demonstrate my mastery of many things learned in FAB Academy. I will use my skills on the vinyl cutter, laser, electronics design, populating and soldering components, input and output devices, 2 and 3D designing, programming a microcontroller board AND 4 satellite boards, troubleshooting, testing and retesting, prototyping, organizing and planning. Check out my Project Development page for more details!

    Design START and FINISH text 5/31/15
    Vinyl cut START and FINISH text 6/5/15
    Laser cut race structures for START and FINISH 6/3/15
    NEW--Cut center divider to make it a 2 lane raceway 6/9/15
    Design 3D cases to hold LCD and boards--change of plans6/9/15
    Cut 3D6/15
    Design LCD board--2nd try--did one for Output week and was unsuccessful--change of plans6/9/15
    Change of plans--LEDs and phototransistors 6/15/15
    Get components ready for boards6/8/15
    Populate and program microprocessor board to be put at finish line6/15/15
    Design and make phototransistor and LED boards for START and FINISH6/13/15
    Program boards6/20-21/15
    Wiring boards together6/22/15