Yes and No Buttons
Yes and No Buttons
Board Sketch
Board sketch
Board Sketch
Board Sketch/figcaption>

Input Devices

Week Ten

My input device is two different buttons on the moon clock, one for inputting "no" and the second button for inputting "yes". More documentation can be found at my final project page Final Project Page. One of my favorite parts of this process was figuring out the sketch for my circuit board. I have attached some paper sketches of the board. I would like to edit it in the future to resemble an actual moon cycle and have it be an educational tool. We had worked with buttons in the previous sections, so there is not much new that I learned about them while making this borad. I had orgininally wanted to work with something other than I button, like perhaps a sensor that could sense when and object was placed next to it. This is something that I hope to experiment more with in the future.