Taping up parts
Taping up parts for the FabISP
Shawn's notes
Shawn Wallace's notes from our lecture
Solder Mask
Solder Mask

Electronic Production

Week Four

This week we learned how to use the Modela, about how eletronics work, how to solder and also how to screenprint with solder mask and bake our components on, and how to use a multimeter. I have been around the AS220 Labs for a few years now, but all of these 6 topics were brand new to me. I was shocked at how small all of the components were. I was also impressed with the amazing amount of detail that the modela can carve, I would love to use it for other applications like carving copper plates for intaglio or milling copper for enameling.

Multimeter lesson
Nadia teaching me how to use the multimeter, photo by Kenzo Abiko
Finished FabISP
Finished FabISP/figcaption>
Solder mask, finished
Finished Solder Masked FabISP