11. Output Devices

  • Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something

  • This week I kept learning arduino IDE and experimenting with it. I wanted to work with a DC motor as an output because that will be useful for my rotocasting machine final project, and having the ability to control its speed and direction.
    Pin 2 and 3 are outputs used to regulate motor's direction using the H-Bridge, Pin 9 is an output to set the motor on/off, Pin A0 is an input from the potentiometer to regulate speed, Pin 4 and Pin 5 are inputs from the buttons for on/off and direction.

    modified 13 May 2015
    by Saverio Silli
    Read data from the potentiometer
    turn a DC motor on and off with a button
    switch DC motor direction with a button
    using an H-Bridge L293D
    const int controlPin1 = 2;
    const int controlPin2 = 3;
    const int enablePin = 9;
    const int directionSwitchPin = 4;
    const int onOffSwitchStateSwitchPin = 5;
    const int potPin = A0;
    int onOffSwitchState = 0;
    int previousOnOffSwitchState = 0;
    int directionSwitchState = 0;
    int previousDirectionSwitchState = 0;
    int motorEnabled = 0;
    int motorSpeed = 0;
    int motorDirection = 1;
    void setup()
      pinMode(directionSwitchPin, INPUT);
      pinMode(onOffSwitchStateSwitchPin, INPUT);
      pinMode(controlPin1, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(controlPin2, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW);
    void loop()
      onOffSwitchState = digitalRead(onOffSwitchStateSwitchPin);
      directionSwitchState = digitalRead(directionSwitchPin);
      motorSpeed = analogRead(potPin)/4;
      if (onOffSwitchState != previousOnOffSwitchState)
        if (onOffSwitchState == HIGH)
          motorEnabled = !motorEnabled;
      if (directionSwitchState != previousDirectionSwitchState)
        if (directionSwitchState == HIGH)
          motorDirection = !motorDirection;
      if (motorDirection == 1)
        digitalWrite(controlPin1, HIGH);
        digitalWrite(controlPin2, LOW); 
        digitalWrite(controlPin1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(controlPin2, HIGH);
      if (motorEnabled == 1)
        analogWrite(enablePin, motorSpeed);
        analogWrite(enablePin, 0); 
      previousDirectionSwitchState = directionSwitchState;
      previousOnOffSwitchState = onOffSwitchState;

    Custom Motor shield

    I uploaded the sketch on my Satshakit (a Fabduino board made by Daniele Ingrassia), and then I designed a Motor Shield that features both inputs and outputs. It has two buttons to control ON/OFF and direction. Both have a 10K ohm resistance to keep the circuit safe from the 9Volts battery that powers the motor. There is also a potentiometer to regulate the speed. The output is a simple DC motor. To control it you need an integrated circuit called H-Bridge (an L293D from texas Instruments). It is basically a transistor that lets you control higher voltage and amperage than the arduino might do, keeping it safe from backvoltages. I made one mistake connecting the central pins of the L293D only to the ground and not also to a heat sink. It can get very hot as my finger learned the hard way.

    Eagle's schematics

    Eagle's board

    Lasercut/milling project (full size is available for download at end of page)

    DC Motor control shield

    DC Motor control shield

    L293D H-Bridge pin configuration

    Set-up and Video

    You can see in the video the motor starting on as the left button is pushed, changing direction at the right button, and going faster/slower as I turn the potentiometer. Pushing the left button again stops it.

    Motor, battery, motorboard and satshakit setup

    Satshakit (Fabduino) controlled DC Motor with a custom shield featuring two button,
    a potentiometer and a H-Bridge (L293D)

    Files available here

  • Program sketch
  • Eagle project