Assignment: complete your final project, tracking your progress:
project_development/index.htmlTasks completed: 3D modelling of the layers, laser cutting of mechanical components, writing of Arduino sketch, designing of the FabKit, testing output device (a servomotor).
Tasks remaining: Assembling mechanical components, testing electronic components and Arduino sketch with the final prototype, testing input device (light sensor).
For the first prototype, I had chosen to use a toothed belt to move pulleys. However, I realized that using gears could reduce friction and could make the movement smoother. So, for the final project I chose to use gears. I had chosen a Wiper motor to move the mechanism, but it was too massive and too powerful. Therefore I chose a servomotor, which is perfect for my needs. I found a servomotors with electronics damaged, but with motor and gears fully functional.
I did not have available black plexiglass, so for the gears I had to use Multiexel. This material, however, is too porous and creates a lot of friction. It makes the panel very noisy and “halting”.
I have to choose whether to use a photoresistor or a phototransistor. A photoresistor is simply a resistor whose resistance depends on the amount of light incident upon it. Its resistance varies according to the intensity of light, it has no gain and it does not need power to operate. Instead, phototransistor has gain, It is more sensitive than photoresistor, but it requires power to operate. It all depends on the speed of the signal you are using.
Now, I have to put together mechanical and electronic conponents, and I have to test input and output devices. But above all, I have to choose between photoresistor and phototransistor. My goal is to have one single module assembled and working at the end of the course.
It was really hard but very funny. I learned a lot about electronics, programming and mechanics. I figured out how to apply all this stuff to my interests: architecture and design. It is exciting make an interactive object from scratch. I am not really well prepared, but I will continue to train myself further more in electronics and programming after I have completed the academy.
You can find all documentation in my final project pages
My goal was to have a functioning panel at the end of the course. I wanted my panel opening and closing, so I focused on the mechanical and electronic components. Actually, I wanted to include a larger number of sensors, but it would take a lot of time. So, I finally preferred to focus only on the light sensor, in order to make the panel simpler. On the other hand, the panel could be used especially in museums to protect works of art, and light is one of the most important variables in this field. In any case, later I will add other sensors to the board.