Network and Communications
This weeks class of Fab Academy 2015 was about networking and communication. I may not be a programmer, but this is a fascinating subject. I want to tackle it but I’ve heard tale that this is a tough week.
To quote Prof Niel Gershenfeld
This is a huge subject . It’s weeks, months and really years to come to master it.
I want to create a wireless serial communication for my final project. I’ve worked my way thru a dozen but nothing is working. I am going to have to triage this later and do something simple. The first time I sat down to chat with the ESP8266 I just fried the board. I've added a voltage diveder but I just fried another board while trying to push a firmware upgrade via the web. In my third attempt the firmware worked but
So I am out of time and I am falling back to something that will work better, a simple hard coded Serial interface. I used Eagle to design a serial attiny 44 board. The board was milled on a Roland mill with a 1/64 End mill.
You can find all my source files here: Networking and Communications.
Networking is harder than I thought. I didn’t make it very far into where I wanted to this week, but I am happy with how far I did arrive in that I made something work although it was not the ESP8266 that I wanted to work with in my Final Project.