(.../Documents/pcb-gcode/pcb-gcode.ulp) (Copyright 2005 - 2012 by John Johnson) (See readme.txt for licensing terms.) (This file generated from the board:) (.../Documents/eagle/week13/week13.brd) (Current profile is .../Documents/pcb-gcode/profiles/mach.pp ) (This file generated 07/05/2015 13:45:18) (Settings from pcb-machine.h) (spindle on time = 3.0000) (spindle speed = 16000.0000) (milling depth = -3.0000) (tool change at 0.0000 0.0000 25.4000 ) (feed rate xy = F254 ) (feed rate z = F127 ) (Z Axis Settings) ( High Up Down Drill) (12.7000 2.5400 -0.1778 -3.0000 ) (Settings from pcb-defaults.h) (isolate min = 0.0254) (isolate max = 0.5080) (isolate step = 0.1270) (Generated top outlines, ) (Unit of measure: mm) (Metric Mode) G21 T2 M06 (Absolute Coordinates) G90 S16000 G00 Z12.7000 G00 X0.0000 Y0.0000 M03 G04 P3.000000 G00 Z2.5400 G00 X24.1300 Y21.5900 G01 Z-3.0000 F127 G01 X24.1300 Y62.2300 F254 G01 X68.5800 Y62.2300 G01 X68.5800 Y21.5900 G01 X24.1300 Y21.5900 G00 Z12.7000 M05 M02