week_06 electronics design


- redraw the echo hello world board
- add at least a button and a LED


download the eagle file

wiring circuit

software: eagle
library: fab.lbr
location: Green FabLab Valldaura (BCN)
how to:

- watch the tutorials to get used to use eagle
- redraw the hello world board by first choosing the parts from the library and placing them in the schematics window.
- connect the components according to the echo hello world board picture, either by directly wiring them or by naming the lines

- look up the parametres of your chosen LED
- calculate the necessary resistor for the LED you chose from the fab lab inventory. This is the minimum resistor, more resistance will make the light less intense.
- integrate the new components into the schematics of the hello world board

- switch off the layers you don't need
- connect the components according to the schematics
- use resistors to bridge traces (like R3)
- when finished, import the fab.dru file into the "dru" folder in the eagle folder and type "drc" into the command line to execute the design check, this gives you possible conflicts or overlappings


machine: Roland | SRM-20
location: Green FabLab Valldaura (BCN)

how to:
- switch of all the layers apart from the traces and the pads
- export the circuit as a monochrome .png with 1000 dpi
- make a frame for the outline

- open the traces .png in the fabmodules
- turn it into a .rml file, choose the SRM-20 in the menu on the right and click on "process"

- open the the roland application
- move to the appropriate x/y 0-position and set the new zero
- mount the 1/64" milling bit and move the tip close to the surface of the board, open the screw on the milling head again so the tip of the bit touches the board and close the screw again
- set the z-0
- click on "cut" and open the traces .png
- click on "operate"
- after the process is finished, mount the 1/32" milling bit and repeat the process from setting the z-0, leave the x/y-0!

- extract the board from the machine
- check for errors! in the red marks there are unwanted connections because i misinterpreted the warnings in the design check in eagle
- if there are unwanted connections use a dremel or a cutter to disconnect them according to the design
- wash the board with soap and don't touch the surface again

- solder everything according to plan, pay attention to the orientation of the microcontroller!
- for further instructions on soldering check out week_04 / electronics production