Output Devices
For this week assignment, we had to add an output device to a microcontroller board that we designed and program it to do something. I chose to do the 'helloArray' board, which consists of an array of 20 Charlieplexed LEDs. This technique is used for controlling many LEDs without using many microcontroller pins.
Redesign the board
Here is the list of the components needed for the helloarray board.download Components, Traces, Interior, Makefile
I redesign the following board on eagle, milled it on the modela machine MDX-20 and finally soldered it. The result was not really good. There were a lot of connection lines touching each other. I had to cut it and fix it with a cutter and adda external wire connection.Programming
To program the board, I had to first connect it to the avrisp and to an external power supplier:1/ Downloaded the following files in a folder:
2/ On the command, open the folder where these files are available.
3/ Enter the following command : sudo make -f hello.array.44.make program-avrisp2 to generate two files: hello.array.44.out and hello.array.44.hex and program it directly
It turned out to work good execpt for 5 LEDS that wasnt working. And due to a tight schedule, I did not have the time to fix them but here is the result. I will try to figure out the problem and fix it in the upcoming weeks.
helloarray from Pamela C. on Vimeo.
Here are the files to download : Eagle filesFabacademy.org | Copyright © pamelachami | Design by pch