Final project - BOM, Miscellaneus, Future Plan and Special Thanks

In this section I explain the future plan for the project the BOM and various things

I'm really satisfied with the project result.
something goes well and something not.
a lot of improvement can and will be made, starting from redesign a smaller and lighter motion system, that will allow all the draws to be reach from the servo pusher.


2 nema 17 Stepper motor
2 pololu stepper driver
1 Zimo grbl board (file and instruction in electronic section)
1 zimo servo attiny board
1 cooling fan
1 atx pc power supply
1 90x60cm MDF sheet 6mm thick ( and another piece of this for the last part of the frame)
4 m of not extendible metal line
2 1m long aluminium 8mm diameter rod
printed part
a lot of m3 screw washer and nuts (16 and 12 mm long)
2 drawer shelf
electric wire for extension
8 632zz ball bearing
1 9g servo

Future Plan

The future plan of this project is concentrated to build and develop a useful serching engine and user interface to control and generate the gcode for open the draws.
it will be open source and preferably web oriented, so anyone approaching a new lab can download the database and know what item are available in the lab.


I have so many people to thanks for this experience:

Starting from my mother that pay me the course Giovanna Gorzegno.
My girlfriend who support and keep me calm me during this 6 moths, Francesca Morra.
My sister ( that get married during the course)Chiara Boasso.


Mattia Ciurnelli
Daniele Ingrassia
Enrico Bassi
Pierluigi De Palo
Saverio Silli
Gianluca Pugliese

the instructor Massimo Menichinelli

The Opendot Saff (especially): Nicola Buccioli

and all the friends who believed in me.

Licenza Creative Commons
Roobotic Lab Assistant di Boasso Simone è distribuito con Licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione - Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.
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