interface and application programming

This week we have to experiment some comunication and programming lenguage with computer and microcontroller

For this week i try to create a connection and a data visualization using a satshakit and processing

Processing is a programming language for making some graphical things using simple instruction and can interact with the arduino like board ( or all things with serial communication).

Fist of all I have to create a circuit and a firmware to collect some data and send it in packet to the pc via serial communication(using the atmega serial port and a ftdi cable to convert from uart to usb protocol)

i use a satshakit that will read the analog value from an LDR (light dependant resistor) and a potentiometer, convert it to digital, make a string of the data and send it trough the UART. in the picture you can see the fritzing diagram of the connection (i use a base for explain the connection the arduino board for be quick but in the next picture you can see I use a fabbed board).

For the firmware side I use a simple arduino sketch I made, posted below.

here the code from arduino IDE
 // pin assignments
 int LDR = 1;
 int TRM=0;
 // initialize the serial port
 // and declare inputs
 void setup() {
   pinMode(LDR, INPUT);
   pinMode(TRM, INPUT);

 void loop() {
   int L = analogRead(LDR);
   int T = analogRead(TRM);
   Serial.print(" ");
   Serial.println(T); // send the 2 data divided by a space and newline at the end

i found all the information i use to build the processing interface on the processing main site and in general on the web

Here you can find the main site of processing

I use the serial library imported at the beginning of the sketch, that implement the protocol needed to read the data from the USB ( the COM port on windows),
it will also read the first COM that will send data and assign it to the program.

here the code from Processing
import processing.serial.*;
PFont font;
Serial serial;

int x = 0;
int L= 550;
int T = 450;

int lastX = 0;
int lastL = 550;
int lastT = 450;

void setup() {
  size(600, 600);       
  serial = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 57600);

void draw() {}

void serialEvent(Serial serial) {
  String valueStr = serial.readStringUntil('\n'); //read serial data until new line
  if(valueStr != null) {                          //if strig is not null value
    valueStr = trim(valueStr);                    //trim the string from undesired char
    String[] data = split(valueStr, ' ');         //divide the string data
    L = int(data[0]);                        //L = first data of the array (LDR)
    T = int(data[1]);                      //T = second data Trimmer
    //refresh the high part of the window for make the rectagle to be redraw
//LDR Data rappresentation
    stroke(#AF0000); //border red
    fill(#FF0000);//fill light red
    rect(50, 30, 200, (L/3), 5);
    line(lastX, lastL, x,L=((L/11)+500));

//trimmer data rappresentation    
    stroke(#134CAE); // border blue
    fill(#137CAE); //fill light blue
    rect(350, 30, 200, (T/3), 5);
    line(lastX, lastT, x, T=((T/11)+400));
    lastT = T;
    lastL = L;
    lastX = x;
    if(x++ >= width) {
      lastX = 0;
      lastL = 550;
      lastT = 450;

      background(#000000); //refresh all the window to background

i want to make a instantaneous visualization of the data (so only the current value is displayed) and a history of the variation. for this purpose i use the high part of the window with two rectangle to display the current value of the readings and the lowest part of the window to make a 1 minute story board like a graphs using the line drawings. every serial event( data revived) I clean the upper side and re-draw the rectangle, in the down side I reload the background only when I reach the end of the window.

i also used the text function for give a name at the rectangle part

here the video of the action

Download the folder of the file of this lecture