Final Project OBIKE


3D Model

Using Inventor I create the case for Obike. I design the case in three parts to host all boards and components The bike mou and the join for the case have been downloaded by Thingiverse. The join has been remodeled and adapted to the case. Final material is PLA, the images below show the parameters used in Cura.

3D Models

Case SX
Case SX
Hook for bike

Electronics design

I start to develop my project designing three small boards:

  • FabKit 3.0
  • An energy converter form 9V to 3.3V and 5V
  • A logical RX/TX converter for Bluetooth module from 3.3V and 5V
  • A specific board for the MH12 Bluetooth Module
  • A small board to convert RX/TX 3.3V to 5V for bluetooth module (the assembled board of bluetooth module doesn't need these boards)

  • I mill the three boards using a Shapeoko with these parameters creating gcode file through FabModules:
  • cut speed (mm/s):4
  • plunge speed (mm/s):4
  • jog speed (mm/s):10
  • jog height (mm): 1
  • spindle speed (RPM):10000
  • tool:0.4
  • coolant:off
  • direction:climb
  • cut depth (mm): 0.18
  • stock thickness (mm): 0.18
  • tool diameter (mm): 0.4
  • number of offsets (-1 to fill): -1
  • offset overlap (%):70%
  • path error (pixels):1.0
  • image threshold (0-1):0.5
  • sort merge diameter multiple: 1.5
  • sort order weight: -1
  • sort sequence weight: -1

  • OBIKE BOM (electronics and sensors)

    Costantino Bongiorno and me had some problems to set-up the right parameters and we use both Eagle and Illustrator to adapt and refine/optimize the traces of FabKit in order to be easy milled.

    OBike electronic final scheme pdf
    Energy converter traces and cut file .eps
    RX/TX 3.3V/5V converter traces and cut file .eps
    DIY Bluetooth board traces and cut file .eps


    I wrote a code to control both the Air Quality and Ultrasound sensors and connecting its to the Bluetooth:

    #include // import the serial library
    SoftwareSerial Genotronex(10, 11); // RX, TX
    void setup() {
      Genotronex.println("Welcome to PoliFactory");
      pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
    void loop() {
      float SonarValue=0;
      float GasValue=0;
      SonarValue = analogRead(A0);
      GasValue = analogRead(A1);
      //float value=pow(116.6020682*(sensorValue2/41763),(-2.769034857));
      //float value=pow(10,((220-sensorValue2*1000)+158.631)/62.877 );  
      Genotronex.print("Gas Value = ");
      Genotronex.print("  Sonar Value =");
      pinMode(13, HIGH);

    Obike App

    I start to develop the GUI during the assignment Interface and Applications. Trying to use learning to use Kivy, Processing and Python. For now I used Bluetooth Terminal Application for smartphone.Basically the final OBIKE app will be composed by two screenshot:

  • the first will generate a sound when the ultrasonar sensor will detect the critical distance between the bike and a vehicle.
  • the second screenshot will generate a map (will be connercted to a GPS in order to show where the level/concentration of CO2 is more of 1000mmp (the critical level)

  • I will work in the future to implement the final version of the OBIKE App as i mentioned during the concept phase.


    I Thank you very much all the people that help me to complete my final project (and other exercises) providing me tips and precious suggestions. I want to thank you in particula Gianni Terragni and Costantino Bongiorno(We Make FabLab), Diego Quetti, Patrizia Bolzan and Naveed Anwar Bhatti (Politecnico di Milano, Polifactory), Thanks to Massimo Menichinelli for the precious support.