Fab Academy

Embedded Programming

I have fabeicate the Echo Hallo World board and complete
soldering part. Actually I am hasitate to work on programming
I though its quite difficult to understand. So I tried to ignor
But once I took intrest what is going on in programming during
Fab academy made me comfertable with embedded programming.
Before starting programming,must know about its
charactoristics.one can find in "Datasheet". It is
a document that summarizes the performance and other
technical characteristics of a product, machine, comp
onent (e.g., an electronic component),material, a sub
system (e.g., a power supply) or software in sufficient
detail to be used by a design engineer to integrate the
component into a system.

As I am using Attiny44. I find saw datasheet for attiny44
IC.It has 14 pins image shows configuration, also its has
featurs that it had 4k of non volatile memory. 1.8 to 5.5
operating voltage and so on listed in datasheet.

What I need was port. so It has 2 I/O port. Each port has
6 programmable lines.
Programming process






C Program

Program burning

Next task was to burn code into the board. I would be happy if is done by own working FAB ISP this.
But it was not working until then. But definitely run the board as later, because I already behind
the class and west two weeks on that. I had another option to use Arduino UNO board rather. Suhas t
ought me what is arduino and working with Arduino board. So I satrted using aurduino UNO.

Arduino is used to making projects as it has microcontroller with flash memory. Anyone can use it for
working on projects as hardware part. We have to just write program in Arduino programming Language
so that arduino work as u want.

I wanted to use arduino as ISP to program my board. From example programs I got program for arduino as
ISP. So I complile that code in arduino board to use as ISP. Now board worked as ISP

Now until it was setting enviroment for programing
connects the 6 pin header to macthing pin on arduino uno
as follow

pin on hallo world		pin no arduino
SCL 13
Reset 10
GND 14
VCC 01
Put code and upload.

I have done embedded programming successfully

LED is blinking after every 50 milisecond

LED is blinking after every 50 msec for 50 msec as I wrote program.

Download Hallo world code