WEEK1 - project name

Week 1: Project Proposal/Website/Project management(Mercurial)

Project Proposal

This project will built a digital door lock system whitch controlled by app. System users could open doors by their physical keys or smart phones. With the app, users could register or delet keys by mobile numbers, mobile devices or app of key holders. Also, the app could send message app users and key holders.


A digital door lock module.

A bluetooth module.

A RF module.

A switching power supply module


Product Draft


Learn basic css and html structure

Project management(Mercurial)

1.download Mercurial http://mercurial.selenic.com/downloads

2.download two fablab file academy.txt , academy.pub

3.open mac terminal

4.follow step below

5.cd ~/Desktop/Archive/

echo -en "\n\n[ui]\nusername = KuoYeh Shen \nssh = ssh -i ~/.ssh/academy -C\n\n[extensions]\nconvert =\nfetch =\n\n[hooks]\n\nchangegroup = hg update >&2" >> ~/Desktop/Archive/.hg/hgrc

hg pull

copy file to \Desktop\Archive\students\shen.kuoyeh\

hg add

hg commit

hg update

hg push
