Week8 : computer-controlled machining

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Kids make believe

observing my child and her cusins play in the backyard with all the different materials they could find to construct different life size objects (A house, a car or even horse wagon with imaginary horses !) often it's flat on the ground. This gave me the idea of building large scale press fits that can be shaped to different 3D objects, finding the best unit/s that can work like simple 2D lego bricks was a bit challenging. I decided to start with one large object and work my way back to single elements that made this shape.

Igloo and stool

I found inspiration in those two projects, Lucia Koldova Igloo bookcase and Christina Sicoli Asterisk puzzle stool.

./images/igloo.jpg ./images/Asterisk.jpg

Using Antimony

I tried to use antimony in previous weeks, but I was not successful. This time I decided to spend more time, look at some examples and give my self some more time to get use to it. It turned out to be not so difficult, but my first attempt in creating the desired object was not exactly what I had in mind.



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Date: 2015-03-30

Author: Salman Oraibi @ Fablab-Bahrain

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