Week1 : Principles and practices, project management

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Version control, using Mercurial

I followed the documents and the installation process on Windows using cygwin and it went like a breeze. I had to remind my self every time don't forget to commit changes.

Personal Web Page ( Project Management)

I was able to build initial pages of the web page first using SeaMonkey and latter after watching the video tutorial by Massimo Menichinelli I was encouraged to use Brackets and learned about CSS in the process. I started with the style sheet example provided with Brackets i didn't modify much of the style or the background colors. Later I started to modify my sheet gradually. I decided to leave that for now and rather focus on building up my web page; inhabiting it with more content. The documentation process I would say is the most difficult mental obstacle one must overcome ( ps. PyRoom worked for me when I had much to write ) . I think adopting the habit of documenting details of work requires a bit of organization and coming up with one's own work flow. The same also applies to links and citation to previous work or tutorials that I used as guides and help getting those noted down as one works is crucial because when you are focused on achieving some progress you end up with multiple browser windows opened at the same moment but once you are done it's difficult to come up with a summary that could provide a simple path for others to follow. NOTE DOWN THE LINKS ON A SEPERATE TEXT FILE WITH TAGS YOU CAN UNDERSTAND.

Emacs org mode

In week 7 I started using Emacs text editor's org mode which I found to be extremly heplfull in getting documentation done fast and easy. It supports exporting as html, Latex and PDF so it makes converting any text I write easily to a web page. There are many usefull resources online on using org mode but it is as simple as downloading emacs 24 or later which comes with org mode pre installed, then creating a file with .org extension.

After creating the file ctrl+x ctrl+f

I start with the options ctrl+c ctrl+e t to insert export options

I change one the option line as follows

#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t

#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t

to remove the table of content and numbering of headlines.

* headline

* a second headline

** a sub headline

*** and so forth

- bullet points

1- numbered bullet point

[[]] add path to image between those double brackets to include images

[[][]] add path to a hyperlink and a name to appear for this link between first and second double brackets

adding css file with export options

#+STYLE: <link href ="../main.css" rel ="stylesheet" type ="text/css">

adding a home and up links also using export options

#+LINK_HOME: ../index.html

#+LINK_UP: ../assignment.html

ctrl+c ctrl+e h h to export as html ctrl+x ctrl+s to save changes

Date: 2015-03-30

Author: Salman Oraibi @ Fablab-Bahrain

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24

Validate XHTML 1.0