17. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

develop a plan for dissemination of your final project

For dissemination my final project, I prefer to make it open source hardware platform.
I want to make people can easily modify and appliction on this.


Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.

My projects in assignments, contains hardware and software implementations. They will be freely available and share on Github.

I'm really interested on VR technology and emerging market. But I'm not thinking about found a company and sell services which is not free. Rather than making a company, I'm thinking about making digital Fabricated open sourced VR contents platform or community.

For making much better quality than I made in fab academ, and improving it, modifing it. I need money for that. I'm thinking that It could be possible funding by crowded. Not for profit company, just like art movements.

How many units am I going to be able to produce?
I'm not thinking about mass production for final project. Of course, It isn't like perfect costomer electronics or game. I want that people make themselves and modify, improve it.

Do I want it to sell it to others?
I want to share my design and applications. As they can learn by my work, I could be improved by them.