3D Scanning and Printing

  1. design and 3D print an object (small, few cm) that could not be made subtractively

  2. 3D scan an object (and optionally print it)

    download files

3D print an object : Candle Holder

I designed a complex patterned candle holder and export stl using Antimony.

I printed with two FDM 3D printers (Ultimaker2, Almond) at Fab Lab. both of them using same software ‘Cura’ for slicing and making toolpaths.


I don't have any experience with Antimony or other similar parametric software like "rhino grasshopper". It was very logical and easy to make parametric 3D CAD model using GUI. All I did was make some objects and linking the values.

  1. Download & install software
    I followed this link below’s instruction https://github.com/mkeeter/antimony/blob/master/BUILDING.md

  2. Design & export to STL
    - Make a Cylinder and a sphere, connect them using “CSG - blend”
    - Make a Text, I wrote 5 letters ‘YAMAN’
    - Extrude, Rotate X, make a copies using “Iterate(polar)” to each of the Texts
    - Union all the Text extruded
    - finished with a blended part and a united text pattern Using a Intersection tool
    - Export Mesh (.stl), choose resolution to 0 ~ 10 Voxels per Unit



when I choose more than 3 Voxels per Unit, My computer stopped. So I tried 1 Voxel per Unit and 2 Voxels per Unit. It almost 2 hours to export to stl.


  • YamanCandleholderShape.sb

  • candleholder(resolution3).stl

  • candleholder(resolution2).stl


    FDM 3D printing

    1. Settings - this model have many holes and complex surface, so It was hard to make a good printing qualities. I set up low printing speed. first one is much high travel speed(150mm/s), there are too many thin strings between holes. I dropped travel speed(100mm/s) when I tried second time
      - Layer height (0.2mm) :
      - Shell thickness (1.2mm) :
      - Bottom/Top thickness (1.2mm) :
      - Fill Density (10%) :
      - Print speed (50%) :
      - Support type (None) :
      - Platform adhesion type (None) :
      - Initial layer thickness (0.3mm) :

    3. Material - ABS from Ultimaker, PLA from Almond for same setting.


    1. I failed to using a Davinci 1.0, but their own software sliced the model awfully.

    2. I failed to using a Makerbot. I used ABS and made a raft. but the raft is too easy to moved on platform when it be shrunk.


    3D Scan an Object

    I tried to scan my body using 123D catch, and cleaned up the file using blender.

    1. Install 123D catch application on a Smartphone.

    2. take many pictures at the different angles and upload a model.
      Then I can download the zip file included obj file. (link below)

    3. blender & meshmixer
      clean up and modify the model, I used the blender and meshmixer. both tool can edit meshes. blender can do much more things than meshmixer. It was but not easy to beginner like me.

    4. Clean up the meshes using blender
      Choose ‘edit mode’ and type ‘b’ for the select the meshes I don’t want. Select ‘Delete vertices’

    5. Make solid using Meshmixer
      The obj file downloaded from 123D catch website was hollow. click the object and select ‘make solid’. I can choose Mesh density and Solid accuracy.

    6. Smooth the rough edges using Meshmixer
      Choose brushes type in sculpt tap. I choose flatten type for smooth the rough edges on my hair.

    7. Cut the flat bottom
      make a plane on the xy plane and extrude it. select two objects and choose difference.



    3D printing - Ball joint

    I tried to print my potential final project model what I made it for the second assignment. It cannot be assembled in normal way, So I printed 2 parts at once (ball part and the part that cover the ball)

    1. design file : change the dimensions
      for slipping joints, I made the ball part’s diameter 1mm smaller than Inner surface of the other.

    2. Export stl
      In Autodesk inventor, export STL directly on assembly mode.
      Layer height : 0.2mm, Shell thickness : 1.0
      Fill density : 10, Print speed : 50
      Support type : None, Platform adhesion type : None
