Week 2 : Computer-aided design (Feb 4)

1. Vimeo Links : One, Two

2. Notes :
   - 3D : Parametric, Functional
   - Antimony : Powerful but Computational

There are many traits of the 3D modeling but the notable are Parametric and Functional.
Parametric is well shown at the antimony as we insert the numbers to limits the shape.
Function is a key that gives the movements of the objects in design which allows
the user to see how it would work virtually which is not shown at the AutoCAD.

3. Assignments : Make 3D, 2D renderings as many as you can.
   - Final : A radar by one range sensor and a line of ten LED's as a display.
              I am inspired by this wooden wall, I want to replace the wood in to one line of LED.


4. Getting the Antimony is a pain if you are not aware of the terminal.
   For Mac there is the terminal which allows you to write a code and clone the necessary codes.
   I googled out how to clone the antimony and here is how.

   1) First go to https://github.com/mkeeter/antimony/releases.
       Download the DMG file and install the antimony.
   2) Once antimony is installed, get github.
   3) Go to Matt Keeters page: https://github.com/mkeeter/antimony
   4) Copy the Clone URL (https://github.com/mkeeter/antimony.git) , and open the terminal, type
      "git clone https://github.com/mkeeter/antimony.git"
   5) Then it is good to go and it is newest version.
5. Antimony : It was done with Antimony, without Transform function to keep simple.
    It took me a while to get used to with antimony. First I made 10 cylinders and boxes.
    The model was in a wire frame because it was before git clone the newest version.

   - AutoCAD : I used the AutoCAD to render.