: Output Devices (Apr 15) 1. Vimeo Links : One, Two 2. Assignments : Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something 3. Tryouts A. For this week, I made the servo motor output. B. I added the hall magnetic snesor to the board for the final project. C. I looked into the datasheet of the hall sensor(LM2940) to see what resistor, capacitor is necessary to the board. D. Used Eagle Schematic to add necessary the resistor and the capacitor. E. Here is the board design that I made. F. The servo test was successful. The first test was not working due to the broken servo motros. After changing servo motors, it worked fine. 1) Tested with broken servo. 2) Tested with working servo. G. As I examinee the board, I found I missed some wires at the board design so I redesigned the board as the picture. And I added two wires to fix it. |