Week 10 : Input Devices (Apr 8)
1. Vimeo Links : One, Two

2. Assignments : Measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you've designed and read it
3. Tryouts
  A. For this week, I made the magnetic sensor input.
      So the steps are:
      1) Make an magnetic input sensor board
      2) Program ISP
      3) Download PySerial
      4) Compile python

  B. I downloaded the traces and interior files from the link.
      And I used the fabmodules.org to have PCB milling RML files.
      I made the board from the Rolans SRM-20 just like WEEK 4.
      I soldered the necessary component and it was done.


  C. Now Hardware is done. From here, move on to the Software.
     1) Prepare Fab ISP Board from WEEK 4.
     2) Since I am going to check the input sensor by the serial, Install Python Serial.
     3) Download the following files to the terminal directory(for me, Machintoshi HD/Users/kdoodoo/).
       - Files are c, make, python: hello.temp.45.c makefile hello.temp.45.py
       - Download from :  http://academy.cba.mit.edu/classes/input_devices/index.html
     4) Connect Fab ISP with the input board.
     5) Run Terminal to program the input board.
        Type: sudo make -f hello.mag.45.make program-usbtiny

        If the board is programmed it would look like this.
     6) After programming, now we need to find where the serial port is.
Type: ls /dev/tty.*
        Then the result is:

        Copy the location. /dev/tty.usbserial-A5025URR
      7) Insert the copied location to the python code and type at the terminal.
          python hello.mag.45.py /dev/tty.usbserial-A5025URR

      8) Then, it works well.
          (Make sure the FTDI connection to the input board. I plugged in the other way and took me a while to figure things out.)
      9) I tested with these magnets.

  D. Here are the videos.
     1) Tested with ONE MAGNET


    2) Tested with TWO MAGNETs
        I changed the COLOR of the python.