Fab Academy 2015, Dong-Hyun Kim

Electronics design

Software (Eagle CAD)

Tutorial Link :

Left is Schematic, the other side is Board. Add components and put on Schematic and name the components be a circuit.

Converse screen to the “Board” all the traces are connect and now I can modify not to cause any interferences.

Redesign the board


To rearrange switch and LED, load original Hello Board, add up Switch and LED on Schematic. To make it compact I put effort to well arrange the board.

Soldered by resistance, ATTint, pin sequence.

Upload with FTDI and FabISP and push the switch, voila! LED turned on.

Problem and Solving

When I exportthe file with original setting on Eagle CAD it comes out with black background. And export just a “trace” with PNG file, Trace was a black the other area was white.

To solve this problem I simply can use GIMP or Photoshop to reverse its’ color but I want to solve it by Eagle CAD. So I googled it.

Enter the “User interface” menu and “Background” in “Layout” tab was selected as a “black” so, change it with “white” than you can get what you expected.


Download files


Redesign board

Makers Gonna Make !