Fab Academy 2015, Dong-Hyun Kim

Networking and communication

Redesign ‘Hello board(Bus Bridge/Nodes).’

Hello board BUS Bridge redesign

Hello board BUS nodes redesign


Make 1 Bridge and 2 Nodes.


When I open ‘hello.bus.45.c’ with notepad, It couldn’t read text. So I search in google for trouble shooting then I found ‘Notepad++’. You can also download it in my following ‘download files’

Then I opened C code file with Notepad++.

And I changed a code in Notepad++, for changing

#define node_id '2' // type node’s number

But there is problem, I had a mistake that designed board is not correctly. So, I just link with soldering wire them.

Then I upload make file to board.

Type : make –f hello.bus.45.make program-usbtiny

Then, It was successfully uploaded.

It works very well.

Download files

bus_fixed c, make files
DH bridge
DH node
NotePad++ Install file

Makers Gonna Make !
  • © Fab Academy 2015 'How to make (almost) anything', All rights reserved
  • Designed by Dong-Hyun Kim